Chronicling the Voices Fighting for Education Justice
News and Features from the National Education Association OCTOBER 17, 2018 BY CINDY LONG A young girl handcuffed to a pole at a police station for...More
1954 0News and Features from the National Education Association OCTOBER 17, 2018 BY CINDY LONG A young girl handcuffed to a pole at a police station for...More
RJNAdmin 1954 0This town hall is hosted by the Community for Just Schools Fund and will include several questions that highlight the Commission’s flawed narrative and rationale...More
RJNAdmin 1408 0Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018 Contact: Press Office (202) 401-1576 or Federal Commission...More
RJNAdmin 1347 0by Racial Justice NOW! Director H.A. Jabar 12/12/18 As we close out this year of 2018 and approach a year of extreme significance (2019), I...More
RJNAdmin 1786 0“Do the Harder Work–Create Cultures of Connectedness in Schools”: A Youth & Parent Organizer Response to the Federal Commission on School Safety NEW REPORT:...More
RJNAdmin 1433 0How activists are fighting racial disparities in school discipline December 10, 2018 6.41am EST Author Mark R Warren Professor of Public Policy and Public Affairs,...More
RJNAdmin 2761 02018 - Racial Justice Now Ohio