October Monthly parent meeting features Director of Office of Males of Color
Racial Justice NOW! was instrumental in the Dayton Public School system adding an Office of Males of Color to address the systemic problems of Black...More
2304 0Racial Justice NOW! was instrumental in the Dayton Public School system adding an Office of Males of Color to address the systemic problems of Black...More
RJNAdmin 2304 0As the new school year begins, and students return to classes, Racial Justice NOW! is preparing to host the first parent meeting of the school...More
RJNAdmin 1884 0For More Information: info@rjnohio.org...More
RJNAdmin 1645 0September 2018 Today reports emerged about a sleeping Ohio student being awakened in school by the sound of an unarmed Taser deployed by a law enforcement...More
RJNAdmin 1713 0What can be done: Bias training, reducing suspensions, restorative justice Aug 26, 2018 By Josh Sweigart Editor’s note: This story is part of a package...More
RJNAdmin 2193 0Transitions off DSC Coordinating Committee, leaves legacy as National Co-Chairs As Black parent organizers in the state of Ohio, Racial Justice NOW! found a...More
RJNAdmin 1876 02018 - Racial Justice Now Ohio