Parents Vet DPS Superintendent Candidates At Public Forum

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More than 200 parents and Dayton community members packed into the auditorium at River’s Edge Montessori School for the chance to meet and interview the 3 finalists for Dayton Public Schools Superintendent.

The School Board narrowed their candidate pool down to Rhonda Corr, a former area superintendent in Indianapolis and Chicago, Gregory Roberson, an ex-military sergeant and Chief of the Office for Exceptional Children at Dayton Public Schools, and Daniel Schroer, the superintendent of Margaretta Local Schools in Castalia, Ohio.

Each candidate was given 10 minutes to present their plan to improve the school district. There was then a 30 minute question and answer session. The district is at risk of state takeover if it does not improve in the next few years.

Parent Zakiya Sankara-Jabar says she’s happy with the school board’s decision to host the meeting.

“I know that myself, and other parents and community members…this was one of our asks. Don’t just pick the candidate without talking to parents. We are the primary stakeholders,” said Sankara-Jabar. “We live in this city, I own a home in this city, I pay taxes. I want to be able to ask these people a question. I want to be able to review their resume. I want to be able to be a really engaged parent.”

The school board will announce the finalist for the position in the coming weeks.

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