From the Director’s Desk, Part 1
by Racial Justice NOW! Director H.A. Jabar 12/12/18 As we close out this year of 2018 and approach a year of extreme significance (2019), I...More
1805 0by Racial Justice NOW! Director H.A. Jabar 12/12/18 As we close out this year of 2018 and approach a year of extreme significance (2019), I...More
RJNAdmin 1805 The National Week of Action Event Weekend was kicked off by an elegant welcome reception hosted by The Woman of God’s Design Ministry (WOGD)...More
RJNAdmin 1509 0Racial Justice NOW! Director, H.A. Jabar, attended a three-day learning exchange in Houston, Texas hosted by the Praxis Project. This learning exchange was a part...More
RJNAdmin 1444 0Dignity in Schools Campaign National Week of Action 2018 “Counselors Not Cops” A learning and cultural exchange between Dayton, Ohio and New Orleans, Louisiana The...More
RJNAdmin 2987 0This week in New York City, Racial Justice NOW! / West Dayton Youth Task Force Executive Director, H.A. Jabar attended a meeting with Tendayi Achiume,...More
RJNAdmin 1666 0September 2018 Today reports emerged about a sleeping Ohio student being awakened in school by the sound of an unarmed Taser deployed by a law enforcement...More
RJNAdmin 1733 02018 - Racial Justice Now Ohio