Racial Justice NOW! families welcome the passage of Ohio HB 318
The legacy of educational injustice is far and wide for Black people in the United States. For Racial Justice NOW! (RJN) families, we have been...More
4469 0The legacy of educational injustice is far and wide for Black people in the United States. For Racial Justice NOW! (RJN) families, we have been...More
RJNAdmin 4469 0WHIO A local group called Racial Justice NOW has raised concerns about the incident, which recently came to light, and has protested at the...More
RJNAdmin 1882 0Program ends with trip to Kemet (Egypt) for select scholars Once again Dayton, Ohio’s Racial Justice NOW! uses its national network to benefit Black...More
RJNAdmin 4487 02018 - Racial Justice Now Ohio