What’s next for Dayton Public Schools? 10 local change makers weigh in
Dayton Daily News July 13, 2018 By Kara Driscoll, Staff Writer Eric Spina: The right leadership is now in place and getting to work If...More
1942 0Dayton Daily News July 13, 2018 By Kara Driscoll, Staff Writer Eric Spina: The right leadership is now in place and getting to work If...More
RJNAdmin 1942 0Dayton Daily News July 08, 2018 By Jeremy P. Kelley Laura A. Bischoff, Staff Writer Students and teachers will be operating under some new guidelines...More
RJNAdmin 2884 0In the fight for education justice, RJN! leadership has been organizing parents and working with elected officials to hear their concerns. One elected official in...More
RJNAdmin 1635 0Across the nation, Black males are routinely exposed to exclusionary practices that remove them from learning environments (Howard, 2008, 2013; Wood, 2017; Wood, Essien, &...More
RJNAdmin 2143 0In the American field of education, African history has largely been missing or misrepresented. Despite numerous challenges and opposing forces, the tenacious efforts of a...More
RJNAdmin 2054 0RJN! Executive Director was invited in March to talk to Fort Lewis College students about the School to Prison Pipeline and Culturally Relevant Curriculum. Fort...More
RJNAdmin 1576 02018 - Racial Justice Now Ohio