School Discipline Committee Meeting at the State of Ohio Capitol Building

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In the fight for education justice, RJN! leadership has been organizing parents and working with elected officials to hear their concerns.  One elected official in particular, Ohio Senator and chair of the education committee, Peggy Lehner, has been receptive to the negative effects and disproportionality of out of school suspensions.  Conversations with Senator Lehner led to a series of statehouse bills working through House committees to bring an end to the unjust discipline practices. Despite the challenges of getting the bill passed out of committee, Senator Lehner has continued to work toward change.

In March of 2018, RJN! Director and WDYTF Youth Organizer attended a committee meeting in Columbus to show support. The two education justice advocates were able to learn first-hand how government works and tax dollars are spent. The bill was passed by the committee and is still in the process of being signed by the Governor of Ohio.

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