Montgomery County Regional Stakeholder Meeting: Ohio Strategic Plan for Education at Stivers School for the Performing Arts

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As a statewide organization, Racial Justice NOW! has advocated for policy change in the way the Ohio Department of Education, attending and testifying at state school board meetings and working with state legislators. In March, RJN! parent organizers were invited and attended the Montgomery County Regional Stakeholder Meeting to provide input on the Ohio Strategic Plan for Education. The event was held at Stivers High School, a school in the Dayton Public schools system.

RJN! parent organizers were able to review the state plan, give feedback, and then able to bring the information back to the community at the monthly parent meeting.  The meeting included an introduction by State Superintendent Paolo DeMaria and was attended by state school board members.  The meeting included discussions focused on the plan’s vision for education, goals for high school graduates and strategies in teaching and learning.

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