New DPS Superintendent Meets With Parents, Community Members

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Rhonda Corr, the new superintendent of Dayton Public Schools (DPS) met with parents and community members yesterday at Central State University.

Corr spoke to group of about 40 people about how she plans to turn around the failing district.

In the speech, she said one her first items of business will be tackling third grade literacy — Dayton Public Schools has one of the lowest rates in the State.

But, Corr spent more time during the meeting shaking hands and talking to parents and community members individually. They lined up to introduce themselves as soon as she finished her speech.

Zakiya Sankara-Jabar is a parent of a DPS student and attended the event. She said she talked to Corr about what problems need to be addressed in the district.

“I definitely want to see more resources put towards parent engagement, not just involvement. But making sure we’re meeting the parents in our community where they are, that’s going to take resources. Also talked about the disproportionality that she mentioned today; how suspensions and expulsions disproportionately affect black children in the district. We also talked about law enforcement.”

Corr touched on improving relationships between law enforcement and students when she addressed the crowd. She also said she wants to make an effort to create a more trusting culture in the district.

Corr’s first day on the job was July 1st. Classes are set to begin August 16

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