Panelist for Schools Safety and Security Forum Hosted by WHIO and Dayton Daily News

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In response to the increasing number of school shootings, WHIO, Dayton Daily News, and Kettering’s Van Buren Middle School organized and hosted a live television event: Schools, Guns, and Safety Town Hall. The panel brought together a broad range of community members — representing teachers, students, community activists, law enforcement, legislators and school administrators. The panel was put together to answer what ideas should be prioritized to prevent school shootings.

RJN! Director, H.A. Jabar shared research and documentation from the Dignity in Schools Campaign proving that more police in schools would not make schools safer but more much more dangerous, particularly for Black and Brown students.  Panelists largely agreed about the need for more counseling and mental health services for at-risk students.

Click HERE to watch the full panel discussion.

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