From the Director’s Desk, Part 1
by Racial Justice NOW! Director H.A. Jabar 12/12/18 As we close out this year of 2018 and approach a year of extreme significance (2019), I...More
1785 0by Racial Justice NOW! Director H.A. Jabar 12/12/18 As we close out this year of 2018 and approach a year of extreme significance (2019), I...More
RJNAdmin 1785 0Dayton Daily News Chris Stewart Staff Writer March 20, 2018 The acting superintendent who led Dayton Public Schools in the “challenging” wake after the...More
RJNAdmin 3195 0Dayton Daily News Chris Stewart Staff Writer March 20, 2018 The Dayton Public Schools board voted Tuesday to close two schools in the fall while...More
RJNAdmin 2042 0Racial Justice NOW! (RJN!) will host a press conference at 1:00 pm Thursday January 25th in front of Dayton Public Schools downtown office on 115...More
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